Today is the third day of the Ta'aruf week, the committee all look tired on the outside but hopefully satisfied inside with their job for all past days. Today schedule that was full off briefings make rooms for us in the Multimedia Bureau to update our blog. Keep the comments coming and enjoys the pictures that we put here about one thousand faces and behaviors of the new intakes as well as us, the committees.

Alhamdulillah, we're at IIUM after all those time at CFS, YAY!!!!!

New students in Main Auditorium listening carefully (plus sleeping peacefully)

New intakes-male-smiling weakly.

New intake-female-tired faces

A direct intake student that likes to smiling broadly in front of camera, SAY CHEESE!!

Make a circle! Make a circle! Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, its eating time.

Some ta'aruf committee and the teacher (Alif)

The new students hurriedly putting all of their spoils of war with the registration committe

"Ermm, akak, where do I sign?"said the blue shirt. "Here, here," said his friend.

The new female students of IIUM Gombak (plus not so new students), waiting for their turn.

The food committee planning their next big operation.

Sleepy sunflower head of multimedia and friends, at the end of the day.