Assalamu'alaikum. Good morning we greet to all of you.
First of all we would like to wish all of you best of luck today.
Because today is our first day of Taaruf Week.
we also hope that all of you are in nice and great condition.
Although today is the first day of program, but in this post we prefer to story and show our situation on the first day of induction.
Basically on the first day, bro Rizaili began the session by introducing himself and separated us into 4 teams. Then, we had to know one another although we are not in the same bureau.
Then, we were asked to sit in bureau accordingly.
At first, our bureau which is Multimedia was attended by three people.
But, Alhamdulillah after a few moment, our member of group came one by one.
In brief, we took a few pictures using our members' camera's phone.
So, we would like to say sorry if the pictures are not as good as usual.
This is due to the limited number of camera that we have.
Here are a few of pictures for the first induction day.
Registration Bureau prepare the Taaruf Kit
Welcoming and Welfare Bureau helps Registration Bureau
Catering Bureau
Our designers
Discipline and Ibadah
Program Coordinator
Our first draft of name tag

Special Task
That's all from us. We're sorry to the other bureau which their photos are not shown.
This is because we do not have enough camera. We're very sorry.
See u again...