Thursday, April 15

Taaruf Is Back!

Salam. Ta'aruf is back everyone!! Do not miss every single moment of it in this official site of Ta'aruf Week IIUM.

Program: Taaruf Week April Intake 2009/2010
Venue : Main Auditorium, IIUM
Date: 20th April 2010 - 23rd April

There are 85 committee members involved in this series of Ta'aruf Week and we have estimated about 290 new students will be registering on that particular day.

Till then, we will update for more information.

Ta'aruf Week April 2009/2010


  1. i wonder,and a bit scared.what should i do in taaruf week??
    somebody please,give me a bit clue..

  2. Basically, Ta'aruf Week is the other names for Orientation Week, which is casually used in other higher institutions. During these 4 days programme, variety of events will be held to help orient and welcome new students. The events including the briefings on various of units in IIUM like Library and Co-Curricular center as welll as sports activities. We will upload the tentative of the programme in this site for you to check it out.

  3. thanks,Umie_S.i'll waiting for the tentative programe.and,do u know what time should we be able to come??
