Friday, December 19

New Students performing Chicken Dance for Cultural Night

Its one of the exhilarating performance by the brothers. They have performed the chicken dance on the stage and they also had invited some committee to dance with them. I found it very funny. Well done guys!

Course Registration

At the end of the day, all the new students went for a course registration. First semester is very important when registering for subjects. It is so important because it will affect your first semester study life in the campus, whether you can adapt to it or not. Besides that, the first semester CGPA also will be determine by the first course registration during Taaruf. Don't worry. You still can change your subjects during the adjustment period. (Dec 16 - Dec 26) For more information, you can check A&R website and also the important dates for Sem 2, 08/09.

New Students taking oath during Bai'ah Ceremony

Bai'ah Ceremony is the most highlighted event during Ta'aruf Week because students will be taking oath in front of the Senate Members of the IIUM.