Saturday, July 3

Induction Course- 3rd Day

Finally, at the end of the day, at Port Dickson...

Finally, at the end of the day, at Port Dickson...

Induction Course- 2nd Day

Induction Course- 1st Day

Our induction course went smooth and full of experience. Be held at Glory Beach Resort, Port Dickson..
For now, let our picture do the talk..


Ta'aruf is back!

Salam. Ta'aruf is back everyone!! Do not miss every single moment of it in this official site of Ta'aruf Week IIUM.

Program: Taaruf Week July Intake 2010/2011
Venue : CAC, IIUM
Date: 6th - 9th July 2010

There are estimated about 200 committee members involved in this series of Ta'aruf Week and we have estimated about 3000 new students will be registering on that particular day.

Till then, we will update for more information.

Ta'aruf Week July 2009/2010