Thursday, April 15

Induction Course

Our induction course went with success and full of experience.
In the memories of completing the course, here are some pictures for us to remember it by.....

The first day (12th April 2010):-

Alhamdulillah, at last, we arrived, yeah!!

Who wants to share room with me?

Write your name here.....

Brr... At last, hot drinks!!!

Wow, this coffee feels....

The beauty of Pantai Morib, masya Allah.

Taaruf Is Back!

Salam. Ta'aruf is back everyone!! Do not miss every single moment of it in this official site of Ta'aruf Week IIUM.

Program: Taaruf Week April Intake 2009/2010
Venue : Main Auditorium, IIUM
Date: 20th April 2010 - 23rd April

There are 85 committee members involved in this series of Ta'aruf Week and we have estimated about 290 new students will be registering on that particular day.

Till then, we will update for more information.

Ta'aruf Week April 2009/2010