Wednesday, April 29

April New Intake Students

Taaruf Week April Intake Session 2008/2009 starts today. It started with the Mahallah registration. For the first time, all new students are being placed in one area. Female students is staying in Ameenah, Asiah, Maryam, Halimah, Hafsa and Asma. While the male students is staying in Ruqayyah.

According to Sis. Nadia from Registration bureau, up to 12:30am on Wednesday, the total number of the new students are 607 students. 524 students from CFS and 83 direct intake students. There are 281 male students and 326 female students.

Tuesday, April 28

Campus Tour Evening Walk

11 person in charge together with Special Task committee was having an evening walk yesterday. They also having good time with walking in the rain while group binding among different bureaus.

"I guess its quite tiring, walking with 11 takes about 1 hour. I wonder how its gonna take to walk with 100 students", Adlan, assistant head comm. catering said.

The picture above is taken on the bridge between AIKOL and ECONS building.

Campus tour session will be conducted on Friday, with the objective to familiarize the new students with all Kulliyah buildings as well as related offices in the campus.

IIUM Gombak Campus map in PDF format

Monday, April 27

Programme Tentative Taaruf April Intake

This is the official program tentative for Taaruf Week April Intake 2008/2009 Session.

28th April 2009 - Tuesday

8.30am - New Students Enrollment, Mahallah Registration
12.30pm - Lunch & Zuhr Prayer
2.30pm - Smart Card & Collection of Ta'aruf Kits
4.30pm - 'Asr Prayer
5.30pm - Ta'aruf Week Programme Briefing
7.00pm - Dinner, Maghrib prayer & Tazkirah
8.45pm - Co-curricular Activitiy Centre Briefing
11.30pm - Lights Off

29th April 2009 - Wednesday

5.30am - Fajr Prayer & Tazkirah
7.00am - Breakfast
8.00am - Admission & Record Briefing
9.00am - Finance Briefing
10.00am - Student Affairs Briefing
11.30am - Session with Legal Unit, Student Discipline Enforcement Committee and Security Unit
1.00pm - Lunch & Zuhr Prayer
2.30pm - Know Your Kulliyah
4.30pm - Fundamental Knowledge Test
5.30pm - 'Asr Prayer
6.30pm - Dinner
7.00pm - Maghrib Prayer & Tazkirah
8.45pm - Bai'ah Rehearsal
11.30pm - Lights Off

30th April 2009 - Thursday

5.30am - Fajr Prayer & Tazkirah
7.00am - Breakfast
8.00am - Academic Integrity
9.00am - Library Briefing
10.00am - Information Technolgy Division (ITD) Briefing
11.00am - Course Registration
1.00pm - Lunch & Zuhr Prayer
2.30pm - Bai'ah Preparation
3.30pm - Bai'ah ceremony
5.00pm - Session for Tilawah Placement Test Briefing, Student Learning Enhancement Unite (SLEU) and Students' Representative Council (SRC)
6.00pm - 'Asr Prayer
6.30pm - Dinner
7.00pm - Maghrib Prayer & Tazkirah
8.45pm - Student Development Briefing
11.30pm - Lights Off

1st May 2009 - Friday

4.30am - Qiyamullail & Fajr Prayer
7.00am - Breakfast
8.00am - Self Management
9.00am - Campus Tour
12.00pm - Lunch & Juma'at Prayer
2.30pm - Preparation for New Student's Cultural Night Show
5.30pm - Self Management
7.00pm - Maghrib Prayer
8.45pm - Cultural Night Show

Sunday, April 26

Eco-Pack and Menu Selection for New Students

Salam. I've been appointed as the assistant head comm. for catering bureau. Just want to share few things about what happen today.

Eco-Pack for Students Meal
This Taaruf Week is going to be the first in using eco-pack for the meals rather than using polystyrene food packaging. It will cost S-DEV additional 20 cents for each meals.

Menu Selection for Students
Its not that easy in deciding the right menu for students. Basically, there are 3x breakfast, 3x lunch and 3x dinner for students. Few things should be considered such as the 'hot and spicy' level of each food because some students don't eat 'hot' meals. Besides that, some students are having allergies on some food such as chicken, beef and fish.

I hope that new students will enjoy the meals provided to them.

Saturday, April 25

April 2008/2009 Intake

Salam. Its been a while since the last update. Here some information about Taaruf Week this April.

Program: Taaruf Week April Intake 2008/2009
Venue : Cultural Activitiy Centre (CAC) and Main Auditorium, IIUM
Date: 28th April 2009 - 1st May 2009

Number of Committee: 68 students
Number of New students: About 700 students

Till then, we will update for more information.