Saturday, December 13

Looking for best talent at Emcee Audition

On 9.00 a.m today, emcee audition was being held at Main Auditorium and half of our committee member turn up for the audition. The candidates received the scripts ten minutes before the judges called them. Some of them were very talented and the rest need to be trained so that they will be selected for being an emcee. Preparation and Technical bureau were very supportive and sent 80% of their man power for the audition.

The judges were the program manager and assistant program manager themselves and they gave good comments for all the candidates. Congratulation to all the selected candidates and for the rest who were not selected, there is always next Taaruf for a second try. Practice makes perfect!

Credit: Ms Whoda PC

1 comment:

  1. haha... adlan, remind me to acknowledge this blog for this coming taaruf.. and ill make sure there will be advertisement for this blog..
    at leaast announcement of information from time to time... ;) nice work bro..
